STAI CDT student Gabriel Freedman presented a paper at the 11th Workshop on Argument Mining (ArgMining 2024), co-located with the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024) last year. The paper, 'Detecting Scientific Fraud Using...
Stephen Asiedu part of winning multidisciplinary AI hackathon team tackling vaccine hesitancy
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI (STAI CDT) aligned PhD student, Stephen Asiedu, was part of an award winning team in a two-day Hackathon. It was hosted at Imperial College London and organised by I-X Business Partner,
STAI CDT students lead important conversations about identity
This article is written by Mackenzie Jorgensen and Gabriele La Malfa, PhD students in the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI (the STAI CDT), about their experience running a lunchtime dialogue series on identity and social justice. ...
STAI CDT PhD students shine at the 11th ACM womENcourage conference
STAI CDT PhD students, Elfia Bezou-Vrakatseli, Chiara Di Bonaventura, Michelle Nwachukwu and Madeleine Waller, led workshops and presented their research at the 11th ACM womEncourage conference in Madrid, Spain. The conference, focused on fostering connections among...
Dylan Cope presents paper at ALIFE 2024
STAI CDT PhD student Dylan Cope presented the paper ‘Mimicry and the Emergence of Cooperative Communication’ at The International Conference for Artificial Life (ALIFE). The conference took place in July in Copenhagen, Denmark. The theme for this years conference was...
Munkhtulga Battogtokh presents paper and talks at EuroVis 2024
STAI CDT student Munkhtulga Battogtokh had a successful trip to EuroVis 2024 in May 2024 where he presented the paper ‘Visual Analytics for Fine-grained Text Classification Models and Datasets’ at the main conference. Munkhtulga was also invited to give a talkat the...
Large Language Models (LLMs) as decision makers: A student run workshop at the STAI CDT Annual Retreat 2024
During the STAI CDT Annual Retreat, STAI CDT PhD students had the opportunity to engage in discussions led by their fellow students. Peter Tisnikar and Lennart Wachowiak led a workshop on Large Language Models (LLMs) as decision makers. Peter and Lennart organised the...
Q & A with Anna Gausen and Madeleine Waller on their experiences of the 2023/24 Turing Enrichment Scheme
We caught up with STAI CDT students Anna Gausen and Madeleine Waller who were both part of the 2023/2024 Turing Enrichment scheme to hear about their experiences. This competitive scheme gives UK university doctoral students the opportunity to undertake a six- or...
Andrei-Bogdan Balcau, Chiara Di Bonaventura and Elfia Bezou-Vrakatseli are accepted onto Turing Enrichment Scheme 2024
King’s PhD students Andrei-Bogdan Balcau, Chiara Di Bonaventura, and Elfia Bezou-Vrakatseli have been successfully accepted onto the Enrichment Scheme Placement Award delivered by The Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science and artificial...
Mackenzie Jorgensen co-authors paper accepted into the Harvard Data Science Review
STAI CDT student Mackenzie Jorgensen co-authored the paper, ‘Frontier AI,’ Power, and the Public Interest: Who benefits, who decides?’ which has just been accepted into the Harvard Data Science Review, Special Issue 5: Grappling with the Generative AI Revolution....
Nathan Gavenski presents demonstration track paper at AAMAS 2024
STAI CDT Student, Nathan Gavenski, presented the demonstration track paper, ‘Imitation Learning Datasets: A Toolkit For Creating Datasets, Training Agents and Benchmarking’, at the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024)....
Stefan Roesch on his experience at the Game and Artificial Intelligence Multidisciplinary Summer School
Stefan Roesch, PhD student (2022 cohort) from the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI (the STAI CDT), recently attended the Game and Artificial Intelligence Multidisciplinary Summer School (GAIMSS) in Metz, France in June 2024. GAIMSS is a...
STAI CDT Annual Retreat 2024
The STAI CDT Annual Retreat 2024 took place over two days in July and was an opportunity to bring all 5 cohorts and aligned students together away from their normal environment for team building, workshops and tutorials. 52 of our students took...
King’s Festival of AI: ‘Super Mario Bros: The Turing Quest’
STAI CDT PhD students Nathan Schneider Gavenski, Michelle Nwachukwu, Jack Contro and Stefan Roesch, took part in the King’s Festival of Artificial Intelligence with their demonstration, ‘Super Mario Bros: The Turing Quest’. The demonstration was a chance to...
Israel Shitta Reaches Finals of King’s College London 3 Minute Thesis Competition
STAI CDT student Israel Shitta recently made it to the finals of the King’s College London 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. The 3MT competition challenges doctoral candidates to present the complexities of their research in a clear, concise and accessible way...
Dr Elizabeth Black and Professor ELena Simperl are part of major project to empower regulators and end-users to make AI safer
STAI CDT Director Dr Elizabeth Black and STAI CDT supervisor Professor Elena Simperl, are part of a major project exploring how we can reap the benefits of AI across a range of fields, whilst minimising its potential risk. The project, Participatory Harm...
Elfia Bezou-Vrakatseli and Madeleine Waller champion cutting-edge PhD argumentation research and lead workshops at upcoming ECAI24 and HHAI24
STAI CDT PhD students Elfia Bezou-Vrakatseli and Madeleine Waller edited the recently published fourth volume of The Online Handbook of Argumentation for AI (OHAAI). OHAAI is a curation of selected peer-reviewed papers summarising (ongoing) PhD work on Argumentation...
STAI CDT PhD Students Maria Stoica and Gabriel Freedman shine at Imperial College’s record-breaking Lates Event
STAI CDT PhD students Maria Stoica and Gabriel Freedman contributed to the successful Imperial Lates event, which was focused on AI innovations and engaging with the broader community beyond academia. Imperial Lates are fun and social post-work events where visitors...
Dr Elizabeth Black and Dr Yali Du are appointed Turing Fellows
Dr Elizabeth Black, STAI CDT Director, and Dr Yali Du, STAI CDT Supervisor, have been appointed Turing Fellows by The Alan Turing Institute – the UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence. Dr Elizabeth Black and Dr Yali Du are amongst the 51...
Lennart Wachowiak has paper accepted to HRI2024
STAI CDT student Lennart Wachowiak has had the paper 'When Do People Want an Explanation from a Robot?' accepted at this year's upcoming 19th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2024). Lennart explains the aim of the research here:...
Anna Gausen co-authors research paper by the Centre for Emerging Technologies and Security (CETaS) at the Alan Turing Institute
Anna Gausen is a co-author on a newly published research paper, ‘The Rapid Rise of Generative AI: Assessing Risks to Safety and Security’ by the Centre for Emerging Technologies and Security (CETaS) at the Alan Turing Institute. This CETaS Research Report examines the...
STAI CDT students have papers published at upcoming AAAI 2024 and AAMAS 2024 conferences
We are excited to announce that STAI CDT students Munkhtulga Battogtokh, Aamal Hussain, Jazon Szabo, Madeleine Waller, Alexander W. Goodall, Francis Rhys Ward and Matt MacDermott have had papers accepted to two of the leading conferences on research in AI: AAAI 2024...
Q & A with STAI CDT student Hana Kopecka on her Digital Humanism Fellowship at The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)
Hana Kopecka has just completed a Digital Humanism Fellowship at The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM). The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) is an institute of advanced studies in the humanities and social sciences. The fellowship aims to bring eminent...
Madeleine Waller presents paper at Aequitas 2023 workshop at ECAI 2023
STAI CDT student Madeleine Waller presented the paper, 'Recommendations for Bias Mitigation Methods: Applicability and Legality' at the Workshop on Fairness and Bias in AI. This workshop was co-located with ECAI 2023 in Kraków, Poland. The paper discusses practical...
Fabrizio Russo presents paper at ECAI 2023
STAI CDT student Fabrizio Russo presented the paper 'Causal Discovery and Knowledge Injection for Contestable Neural Networks' at ECAI 2023. Fabrizio explains the paper and its impacts here; "We propose contestable neural networks: neural models whose outputs and...
STAI CDT students attend 2023 Turing CDT Conference
Fifteen STAI CDT students attended the 2023 Turing CDT conference in Birmingham in November. The conference was an exciting opportunity for students to network with peers across other AI CDTs, engage with active research, hear from experts and join panel sessions and...
STAI CDT members share their thoughts on the aims and outcomes of the UK AI Safety Summit
In November, members from the STAI CDT community of students, supervisors and directors shared their thoughts on the AI Safety Summit’s aims and outcomes. The AI Safety Summit saw representatives from across the world including international governments, AI...
Munkhtulga Battogtokh presents paper at ECAI 2023
STAI CDT student Munkhtulga Battogtokh presented the paper “Simple Framework for Interpretable Fine-grained Text Classification” at the 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2023) in Kraków, Poland. Munkhtulga explains the paper here; "As machine...
Q & A with STAI CDT student Anna Gausen on her public engagement project ‘Accessible AI’
STAI CDT student, Anna Gausen, has started Accessible AI, a project alongside her PhD which aims to communicate discussions, concepts and resources about AI to a wider audience, both on Instagram and through engaging reports and talks. We spoke to Anna about...
Madeleine Waller and Elfia Bezou Vrakatseli give workshop at ACM womENcourage Conference 2023
STAI CDT students Madeleine Waller and Elfia Bezou Vrakatseli gave a workshop at the 10th ACM womENcourage conference in Trondheim, Norway. The conference, focused on fostering connections among women in various STEM fields and supporting their journey in computing,...
Alexander Goodall presents paper at ECAI 2023
STAI CDT student Alexander Goodall (2023 cohort) presented the paper “Approximate Model-based Shielding for Safe Reinforcement Learning” at the 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2023) in Kraków, Poland. Alexander explains the paper here; “We...
Elfia Bezou Vrakatseli, Benedikt Brückner and Luke Thorburn present paper at EUMAS 2023
STAI CDT students Elfia Bezou Vrakatseli, Benedikt Brückner and Luke Thorburn presented a paper on their framework ‘SHAPE’ at the 20th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2023). The paper is focused on the ethics of influence and provides a practical...
Mackenzie Jorgensen presents paper at AIES 2023
Mackenzie Jorgensen, (2020 STAI CDT PhD cohort) presented the paper 'Not So Fair: The Impact of Presumably Fair Machine Learning Models,' at the 6th AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES 23) in Montreal, Canada. Mackenzie...
Q & A with STAI CDT’s first graduate Dr Patrick Henriksen
Huge congratulations to STAI CDT’s very first graduate, Dr Patrick Henriksen, on successfully defending his thesis, 'Robust Neural Networks: Verification, Training, and Repair'. We spoke to Patrick about his PhD thesis, being part of STAI CDT and what his...
STAI CDT Director Dr Elizabeth Black wins the 2023 King’s Supervisory Excellence Award
After winning the Supervisory Excellence Award for the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences, Dr Black was chosen as the overall King’s winner at the awards ceremony on Tuesday 7 November. Professor Rebecca Oakey, Dean for Doctoral Studies...
STAI CDT Annual Retreat 2023
The STAI CDT Annual Retreat 2023 took place over two days in July and was an opportunity to bring all 4 cohorts together away from their normal environment for team building, workshops and tutorials. 41 of our students took part alongside the management team at...
Dylan Cope and Alex Jackson present papers at ALIFE 2023
Dylan Cope and Alex Jackson, PhD students in the UKRI Centre of Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI (the STAI CDT), presented papers at the Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE 2023) in Sapporo, Japan. Dylan presented the paper, ‘Real-time Evolution of...
UKRI CDT in Safe and Trusted AI Welcomes its fifth cohort
The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Safe and Trusted AI welcomes its fifth cohort. This week, the CDT welcomed a new cohort of 20 students from across King’s and Imperial, all who share a passion for ensuring the safety and trustworthiness of AI. The...
Matt MacDermott co-authors paper that wins Best Paper Award at TARK 2023
UKRI Centre of Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI PhD student (the STAI CDT), Matt MacDermott, won the Best Paper Award at TARK 2023 for the paper, ‘On Imperfect Recall in Multi-Agent Influence Diagrams’, with co-authors James Fox, Lewis Hammond, Paul...
Wenxi Wu has paper ‘S*: On Safe and Time Efficient Robot Motion Planning’ accepted to ICRA 2023
Wenxi Wu, a student (2022 cohort) in the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI (the STAI CDT) has published the paper ‘S*: On Safe and Time Efficient Robot Motion Planning’ at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA...
Alexander Goodall, Fabrizio Russo, Madeleine Waller and Munkhtulga Battogtokh have papers accepted to ECAI 2023
We are thrilled to announce that PhD students from the Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI – the STAI CDT – Alexander Goodall (2022 cohort), Fabrizio Russo (2020 cohort), Madeleine Waller (2021 cohort) and Munkhtulga Battogtokh have had papers accepted...
2023 Workshop on Safe and Trustworthy AI (STAI 23)
PhD students from the Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI – the STAI CDT – C Henrik R Åslund (2019 cohort) and Francis Rhys Ward (2020 cohort) were co-organisers of the 2023 Workshop on Safe and Trustworthy AI (STAI 23), along with Dr Elizabeth Black...
Anna Gausen and Madeleine Waller accepted on to Turing Enrichment Scheme 2023
PhD students from the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI (the STAI CDT) Anna Gausen (2020 cohort) and Madeleine Waller (2021 cohort) have been accepted on to the Turing Enrichment Scheme for 2023/24. This competitive scheme gives UK university...
Chiara Di Bonaventura on her experience at the International Semantic Web Research Summer School
Chiara Di Bonaventura, PhD student (2022 cohort) from the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI (the STAI CDT), recently attended the International Semantic Web Research Summer School (ISWS) which was held in Bertinoro, Italy in July 2023. The ISWS...
AI ethics – Q & A with Jazon Szabo and Mackenzie Jorgensen
Jazon Szabo and Mackenzie Jorgensen, both PhD students in the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI (the STAI CDT), talk to us about the AI Ethics reading group that they run. Tell us a bit about the AI Ethics reading group – how long has it been...
STAI CDT Summer School 2023
The STAI CDT Summer School was held in-person at Imperial College London across 17-19 July 2023. The summer school featured six invited talks by world-class researchers on cutting-edge topics on AI and its applications, including cooperative multi-agent systems,...
Patrick Henriksen presents paper, ‘Verification-friendly Networks: the Case for Parametric ReLUs’, at IJCNN 2023
Patrick Henriksen (2019 cohort) presented a paper, ‘Verification-friendly Networks: the Case for Parametric ReLUs’, at the 36th International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN23) at the Gold Coast, Australia. IJCNN is the premier international conference in...
STAI CDT at King’s Festival of AI: ‘The Genius and Stupidity of AI’
STAI CDT PhD students Matt MacDermott, Avinash Kori, Benedikt Brückner and Shahin Honarvar took part in the King’s Festival of Artificial Intelligence with their demonstration, ‘The Genius and Stupidity of AI’. Their demonstration encouraged visitors...
STAI CDT at King’s Festival of AI: ‘Fantastic (Artificial) Beasts and Where to Find Them’
STAI CDT PhD students Chiara Di Bonaventura (2022 cohort) and Michelle Nwachukwu (2022 cohort) took part in the recent King’s Festival of Artificial Intelligence with their family-friendly workshop, ‘Fantastic (Artificial) Beasts and Where to Find Them’. ...
Lennart Wachowiak presents paper and poster at the Explainable Robotics Workshop at ICRA 2023
STAI CDT PhD student, Lennart Wachowiak (2021 cohort), presented a paper and poster on “A Survey of Evaluation Methods and Metrics for Explanations in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)” at the Explainable Robotics Workshop at IEEE International Conference on Robotics...
STAI CDT at King’s Festival of AI: ‘Brewing the Future’
STAI CDT PhD students Lennart Wachowiak (2021 cohort) and Peter Tisnikar (2021 cohort) took part in the recent King’s Festival of Artificial Intelligence with a demonstration, ‘Brewing the Future’. Lennart, Peter and Dr Gerard Canal’s demo explored collaboration...
Q & A with STAI CDT student Zoe Evans for the Festival of Robotics 2023
This week is the Festival of Robotics 2023 (formerly known as National Robotics Week). To mark this we spoke to STAI CDT student Zoe Evans (2022 cohort) about her research and interest in robotics. What are you working on at the moment? For my PhD, I'm working on...
STAI CDT at King’s Festival of AI: ‘AI learns to play a video game’
STAI CDT PhD students Philipp Alex Rader, Alex Goodall and Tibi Georgescu (2022 cohort) took part in the recent King’s Festival of Artificial Intelligence with their demonstration, ‘AI learns to play a video game’. Their demo challenged visitors to beat an AI that was...
STAI CDT at King’s Festival of AI: ‘Can you help me?’
STAI CDT PhD student Nathan Gavenski (2022 cohort) took part in the recent King’s Festival of Artificial Intelligence with his demonstration, ‘Can you help me?’. Nathan’s demo invited visitors to interact with Jade, an artificial intelligence, to help it to...
STAI CDT at King’s Festival of AI: ‘Synthetica – The Future of Music’
STAI CDT PhD students Madeleine Waller (2021 cohort), Michelle Nwachukwu (2022 cohort), Usman Islam (2022 cohort) and Stefan Roesch (2022 cohort) took part in the recent King’s Festival of Artificial Intelligence with their demonstration, ‘Synthetica: the...
Safe and Trusted AI Summer School 2023 – Registrations now open
The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI (STAI CDT) is excited to announce registrations are open for the upcoming Safe and Trusted AI Summer School. The Safe and Trusted AI Summer School will be held at Imperial College London from 17 – 19 July...
Munkhtulga Battogtokh’s project AHA! features in two upcoming exhibitions on AI
STAI CDT PhD student, Munkhtulga Battogtokh (2020 cohort) has collaborated with visual artist Alice White on his project AHA! (Art Human & AI). In AHA! Munkhtulga explores how art can contribute to AI development and to our understanding of how the human mind...
Aamal Hussain, Luke Thorburn, Patrick Henriksen and Nathan Gavenski have papers accepted to AI conferences: IJCAI 2023, ICML 2023 and IJCNN 2023
We are excited to announce that Aamal Hussain, Luke Thorburn, Patrick Henriksen and Nathan Gavenski have had papers accepted to three of the leading conferences on research in AI: IJCAI 2023, ICML 2023 and IJCNN 2023. The 32nd International Joint Conference on...
Mackenzie Jorgensen on her internship at the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI)
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Safe and Trusted AI (STAI) PhD student, Mackenzie Jorgensen (2020 cohort) undertook a six-month internship with the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI). We spoke to Mackenzie about her internship experience and how...
Changes to the STAI CDT leadership team
Michael Luck, Professor of Computer Science at King’s College London, is stepping down as Director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI (the STAI CDT), as he will be leaving King’s later this year to join the University of Sussex, where he...
Matthew MacDermott, Alexander Goodall and Richard Willis have papers accepted to AAMAS 2023 workshops
We are thrilled to announce that Matthew MacDermott (2021 cohort), Alexander Goodall (2022 cohort) and Richard Willis (2020 cohort) have had papers accepted to workshops at this year's 22 nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS...
STAI CDT PhD students involved in new exhibition exploring artificial intelligence and automated decision-making
STAI CDT PhD students' work to feature in a new exhibition, Bringing the Human to the Artificial. The exhibition is presented by the King’s Institute for Artificial Intelligence in collaboration with King's Culture, and will showcase cutting-edge research from across...
Utopia Now! STAI CDT students and young writers explore the role of AI in our near future
STAI CDT PhD students Mackenzie Jorgensen (2020 cohort) and Munkhtulga Battogtokh (2020 cohort) recently took part in a KCL Utopia Now! Project with Lambeth Carers Hub. Utopia Now! is a research project based at King’s College London that aims to find out more...
Benedikt Brückner presents paper focused on tight neural network verification at AAAI 2023
Benedikt Brückner (2021 cohort) presented his paper, ‘A Semidefinite Relaxation based Branch-and-Bound Method for Tight Neural Network Verification’ at the 37 th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023 (AAAI 2023) in Washington DC. Benedikt’s work focuses...
Patrick Henriksen presents his paper, ‘Robust Training of Neural Networks against Bias Field Pertubations’ at AAAI 2023
UKRI Safe and Trusted AI PhD student, Patrick Henriksen (2019 cohort) presented his paper, 'Robust Training of Neural Networks against Bias Field Pertubations' at the 37 th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023 (AAAI 2023). The performance of neural networks...
Luke Thorburn presents working paper on ‘bridging systems’ at the Plurality Research Network Conference 2023
STAI CDT PhD student, Luke Thorburn (2021 cohort) presented a working paper at the inaugural Plurality Research Network Conference, held at UC Berkeley from 13-15 January 2023. Luke, alongside his Harvard collaborator, Aviv Ovadya, have been working on what they call...
Patrick Henriksen and Benedikt Brueckner have papers accepted to AAAI 2023
We are delighted to announce that Patrick Henriksen (2019 cohort) and Benedikt Brueckner (2021 cohort) have had papers accepted to the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023. The conference takes place in Washington, USA, is one of the top AI...
Mackenzie Jorgensen hosts podcast episode exploring careers in AI research in academia and industry
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI PhD student, Mackenzie Jorgensen (2020 cohort), was the takeover host on the most recent episode of Kings' College London's Careers in Your Ears podcast, ‘Season 8 Episode 2: A career in AI research in academia...
Paper by Anna Gausen on ‘Using Agent-Based Modelling to Evaluate the Impact of Algorithmic Curation on Social Media’ published in the ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality
UKRI Safe and Trusted AI PhD student, Anna Gausen (2020 cohort), has had her paper, ‘Using Agent-Based Modelling to Evaluate the Impact of Algorithmic Curation on Social Media’, published in the Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) Journal of Data and...
Q & A with STAI CDT PhD student Luke Thorburn about his blog, ‘Understanding Recommenders’
STAI CDT PhD student, Luke Thorburn (2021 cohort), has collaborated with Jonathan Stray (Center for Human-Compatible AI at UC Berkeley) and Pri Bengani (Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Colmbia University) to create the blog, Understanding Recommenders. We spoke...
Aamal Hussain, Francis Rhys Ward and Luke Thorburn have papers accepted for upcoming AAMAS 2023
The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence is excited to announce that Aamal Hussain (2019 cohort), Francis Rhys Ward (2020 cohort) and Luke Thorburn (2021 cohort) have had papers accepted for this year’s upcoming 22nd...
Mackenzie Jorgensen presents her paper, ‘Supposedly Fair Classification Systems and Their Impacts’ at IJCAI 2022
Mackenzie Jorgensen of the 2020 cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence presented her paper, ‘Supposedly Fair Classification Systems and Their Impacts’ at the 2nd Workshop on Adverse Impacts and Collateral Effects of...
Elfia Bezou-Vrakatseli presents her paper ‘Towards an Argument Scheme Classification for Ethical Reasoning’ at COMMA 2022
Elfia Bezou-Vrakatseli of the 2021 cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence presented her paper, ‘Towards an Argument Scheme Classification for Ethical Reasoning’ at the Workshop on Computational Models of Natural...
Paper by Jazon Szabo on ‘Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning for Value Alignment’ contributed to EUMAS 2022
Jazon Szabo of the 2019 cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence contributed his paper, ‘Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning for Value Alignment’ to the 19th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems...
Lennart Wachowiak and Peter Tisnikar present their work investigating people’s gaze patterns during human-agent collaborations at RO-MAN 2022 and ICRA 2022
Lennart Wachowiak and Peter Tisnikar of the 2021 cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence presented their work on the paper ‘Analysing Eye Gaze Patterns during Confusion and Errors in Human–Agent Collaborations’ at...
Safe and Trustworthy AI Workshop 2022
Nandi Schoots (2019 cohort), C Henrik R Åslund (2019 cohort), Dylan Cope (2019 cohort), Matt MacDermott (2021 cohort) and Francis Rhys Ward (2020 cohort) of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI, were the organisers of the Safe and Trustworthy...
UKRI CDT in Safe and Trusted AI Welcomes its fourth cohort
The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Safe and Trusted AI welcomes its fourth cohort. This week, the CDT welcomed a new cohort of 14 students from across King’s and Imperial, all who share a passion for ensuring the safety and trustworthiness of AI....
A Strange and Brilliant Light: Mackenzie Jorgensen interviews AI novelist
Mackenzie Jorgensen, from the 2020 cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence, researches the social and ethical implications of AI. In Summer 2021, Vector, the critical journal of the British Science Fiction...
Safe and Trusted AI Summer School 2021
The Safe and Trusted AI Summer School 2021 took place online between 12 and 14 July. Guest speakers included world-leading academics and industry professionals. Summer Schools are core for STAI CDT PhD students and in 2021 we also welcomed the participation of some...
Dr Elizabeth Black advising new government taskforce on how AI can help UK reach climate change targets
Dr Elizabeth Black, Co-Director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence, has been appointed to the Advisory Group of the new Energy Digitalisation Taskforce (EDiT). The taskforce will continue...
Anna Gausen presents research on fake news and agent-based modelling at the ICWSM-2021 Workshop
Anna Gausen, of the 2020 cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence, presented her research on agent-based modelling and fake news at the Mediate workshop in...
STAI Director judges AI innovation
Professor Michael Luck, Director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI, is one of the expert judges at CogX 2021, a Festival of AI and Transformation Technology, taking place between 14 and 16 June 2021 in London. The judges, described by...
Summer School 2021 – draft programme released
Plans are underway for the Safe and Trusted AI Summer School 2021, to be held online over three days, 12 to 14 July inclusive. Find out more on our Summer School webpage.
King’s working with artists and startups to tackle online misinformation
King's MediaFutures project is working to find new ways to deal with data misinformation. Find out more at Spotlight on Research.
AI researcher and young writers imagine the future together
What do young people want from the world of the future? How do their hopes and fears intersect with safe and trusted artificial intelligence? To find out, Mackenzie Jorgensen, from the 2020 cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial...
Nandi Schoots’ paper on the safety properties of inductive logic programming presented at AAAI workshop on AI Safety
Nandi Schoots, of the 2019 cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence, presented a paper on the safety properties of inductive logic programming in February 2021. Symbolic approaches to AI are often considered safer...
King’s expertise in causal reasoning furthering research in Trusted Autonomous Systems
Researchers in King’s Software Systems Group and Trusted Autonomous Systems hub are furthering contribution towards the UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems hub by honing a focus on causal reasoning. Read more at Spotlight on Research.
Paper by Jason Szabo on importance of values and norms in safe AI presented at EUMAS 2020
Jazon Szabo, of the 2019 cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI, presented his paper on value alignment and norms at the 17th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2020) in September 2020. An increasingly important...
UKRI CDT in Safe and Trusted AI Welcomes its Second Cohort
The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence has welcomed its second cohort to King’s and Imperial. The students have an exciting year of training and events coming up. In October 2020 at its induction event, the CDT welcomed...
Keeping people safe online
Cybersecurity experts from King’s College London are leading work for a new national centre to keep people safe online through research and technology. Read more at Spotlight on Research.
Professor Francesca Toni appointed to collaborate with industry on world-leading AI research
Professor Francesca Toni, Co-Director of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI, has been appointed by the Royal Academy of Engineering to one of four new Research Chairs, who will spend the next five years working closely with industry on a broad...
King’s Lead Research on Secure AI Assistants
Led by King’s, a collaboration between King’s Cybersecurity Centre, Imperial College London and non-academic partners has received £1.5 million from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to carry out pioneering research to further...
STAI CDT Virtual Retreat
The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Safe and Trusted AI (STAI) hosted its first annual retreat in July 2020. The retreat featured student presentations, an online social activity, and a consultation for staff and students to discuss how the first year of...
Paper by Hana Kopecka socio-cultural elements of explainability accepted for publication and presentation
Hana Kopecka, of the 2019 cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI, has had her paper accepted for publication and presentation at the Workshop on Dialogue, Explanation and Argumentation for Human-Agent Interaction (DEXA...
Professor Michael Luck elected fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence
Professor Michael Luck, Director of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI, is elected as a 2020 EurAI Fellow by the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI). Read more at King's Spotlight on Research.
STAI CDT Students Complete Group Project with Royal Mail
Students in the first cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Safe and Trusted AI (STAI) have been working with our partner, Royal Mail, to investigate how AI techniques and telemetry data could be used to improve the trustworthiness of automatic...
Congratulations to Patrick Henriksen on his upcoming paper with Professor Alessio Lomuscio
Congratulations to Patrick Henriksen of the 2019 cohort of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI, whose paper has been accepted for publication and presentation at the 24th European Conference on Artificial...
UKRI CDT in Safe and Trusted AI moves online!
With the move to working from home resulting from COVID-19, and much uncertainty in the higher education sector, the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence has moved online. The Centre continues to offer student training...