We are thrilled to announce that PhD students from the Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI – the STAI CDT – Alexander Goodall (2022 cohort), Fabrizio Russo (2020 cohort), Madeleine Waller (2021 cohort) and Munkhtulga Battogtokh have had papers accepted to workshops at this year’s 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2023).
ECAI is Europe’s premier AI research conference and brings together researchers, students and industry practitioners. This year it will take place at the end of September in Kraków, Poland.
The papers accepted are:
Alexander W Goodall; Francesco Belardinelli; Approximate Model-Based Shielding for Safe Reinforcement Learning. Main track
Fabrizio Russo; Francesca Toni ; Causal Discovery and Knowledge Injection for Contestable Neural Networks. Main track and Doctorial Consortium
Madeleine Waller, Odinaldo Rodrigues and Oana Cocarascu; Recommendations for Bias Mitigation Methods: Applicability and Legality. First AEQUITAS Workshop on Fairness and Bias in AI | co-located with ECAI 2023
Munkhtulga Battogtokh, Michael Luck, Cosmin Davidescu, Rita Borgo; Simple Framework for Interpretable Fine-grained Text Classification; International Workshop on Explainable and Interpretable Machine Learning (XI-ML) at ECAI 2023
Congratulations to Alex, Fabrizio, Madeleine and Munkhtulga! We look forward to hearing how ECAI 2023 goes next month.