Matthew Shorvon

My PhD project focuses on the intersection between multi-agent systems and explainable AI. I became particularly interested in AI during my one-year master’s degree in computer science, and wanted to dive deeper into the subject after completing the introductory-level modules available to me. I was interested in the dangers and social challenges of AI, and so the theme of this CDT appealed greatly to me. The chance to be part of a cohort and engage in unique training activities was attractive. As expected, these aspects have made enriching contributions to my PhD experience, allowing me to learn about the different areas of AI through discussions with other students, the taught CDT modules, and numerous seminars.  As someone who had only been in the computer science field for a year and so had a relatively small amount of experience in AI, this has really helped me feel more ‘up to speed.’ 


Undergraduate Qualification: Materials Science and Engineering MEng, Imperial College London 

Masters Qualification: Computer Science MSc, UCL