I am a PhD Candidate at Imperial College London with a studentship at the Alan Turing Institute. I am passionate about the social impact of artificial intelligence. My current research is focused on evaluating the impact of recommender algorithms on social media, with a focus on misinformation and polarisation. I approach my research from a multi-disciplinary perspective, spanning computer science and social sciences. I plan to extend my work to focus on improving the transparency of recommender algorithms.
Alongside academia, I collaborate with industry. I have worked on the advanced modelling of disinformation, with a focus on adversarial TTPs, at Logically AI and I have developed a taxonomy of harms to workers in the face of LLMs in the workplace at Microsoft Research. I am also the founder of Accessible AI, a project aiming to lower the barriers to understanding and critiquing AI.
- Anna Gausen, Wayne Luk, Ce Guo (2022) Using Agent-Based Modelling to Evaluate the Impact of Algorithmic Curation on Social Media ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality on “Truth and Trust Online”
- Anna Gausen, Wayne Luk, Ce Guo (2021) Can We Stop Fake News? Using Agent-Based Modelling to Evaluate Countermeasures for Misinformation on Social Media Workshop Proceedings of the 15th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media
Website: https://annagausen.cargo.site/