Anna Gausen

I am a PhD Candidate at Imperial College London with a studentship at the Alan Turing Institute. I am passionate about the social impact of artificial intelligence. My current research is focused on evaluating the impact of recommender algorithms on social media, with a focus on misinformation and polarisation. I approach my research from a multi-disciplinary perspective, spanning computer science and social sciences. I plan to extend my work to focus on improving the transparency of recommender algorithms.

Alongside academia, I collaborate with industry. I have worked on the advanced modelling of disinformation, with a focus on adversarial TTPs, at Logically AI and I have developed a taxonomy of harms to workers in the face of LLMs in the workplace at Microsoft Research. I am also the founder of Accessible AI, a project aiming to lower the barriers to understanding and critiquing AI.


  1. Anna Gausen, Wayne Luk, Ce Guo (2022) Using Agent-Based Modelling to Evaluate the Impact of Algorithmic Curation on Social Media ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality on “Truth and Trust Online”
  2. Anna Gausen, Wayne Luk, Ce Guo (2021) Can We Stop Fake News? Using Agent-Based Modelling to Evaluate Countermeasures for Misinformation on Social Media Workshop Proceedings of the 15th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media
