Reliable Learning for Safe Autonomy with Conformal Prediction

For their high expressive power and accuracy, machine learning (ML) models are now found in countless application domains. These include autonomous and cyber-physical systems found in high-risk and safety-critical domains, such as healthcare and automotive. These...

Causal Explanations for Sequential Decision Making

Explainable AI has become increasingly relevant, because in many domains, especially safety-critical ones, it is desirable to complement black-box machine learning (ML) models with comprehensible explanations of the models’ predictions. This project focuses on...

Deceptive AI & Society

Our societies are being challenged by a multitude of problems due to deceptive AI. This project will aim to explain the many facets of deceptive AI, that is, its meanings. These facets are historical (the goals of deceptive AI research), behavioral (how machines...

Goal-based explanations for autonomous systems and robots

Autonomous systems such as robots may become another appliance found in our homes and workplaces. In order to have such systems helping humans to perform their tasks, they must be as autonomous as possible, to prevent becoming a nuisance instead of an aid. Autonomy...

Robotics and Social Justice

The Responsible Robotics and AI Lab is open to applications for a PhD in blue sky research at the intersection of robotics and social justice. The project sits at the intersection of Computer Science and Social Science, and it is expected that the successful candidate...

Generative modelling with neural probabilistic circuits

The current state of the art in generative modelling is dominated by neural networks. Despite their impressive performance on many benchmark tasks, these algorithms do not provide tractable inference for common and important probabilistic queries. Moreover, the...

Neurosymbolic approaches to causal representation learning

Causal reasoning is essential to decision-making in real-world problems. However, observational data is rarely sufficient to infer causal relationships or estimate treatment effects due to confounding signals. Pearl (2009) proposes a sound and complete formal system...